Big Local Needs in Lichfield

Paul Ray, Liberal Democrat Councillor on Lichfield District Council writes:
Lichfield & Burntwood and the surrounding villages is a great place to live but we face important challenges. The key issues we campaign for locally are:
- more affordable housing - the district needs more houses for its current residents - and their children and grandchildren. Housing is just too expensive especially for young people and their families. There are currently over 1000 people on the local housing waiting list but last year only 206 affordable homes were built. The new local plan sets the affordable housing target at the level that is currently being achieved. That is just not ambitious enough.
- start developing the abandoned Friarsgate site by building affordable housing on it.
- any new housing development must also include enough infrastructure to support our community, such as GP surgeries, roads and schools. These services are currently beyond stretching point.
- better leisure facilities for all - the campaign to overturn the Conservatives' terrible decision to close the Friary Grange Leisure Centre was won. But leisure is still under provided especially for the younger generation.
- the climate change emergency is real and we need specific policies from our local councils to tackle this. For example we say that Lichfield District Council should bring in a policy to require all taxis operating in our area to be electric. That will have a real impact on reducing emissions.