Butterflies & Brexit

David Attenborough has just recommended looking at butterflies as a tonic for the Brexit mess we have got ourselves into. 15 minutes a day. Yes, I agree with him, take the tonic, for what an almighty mess indeed we have got ourselves into. Did Brexiteers tell the nation it would be as it is? Did the remainers tell the nation how it would be? Yes they did, but were ridiculed with "Project fear". Now we have project REALITY. The British political system in a mess, MPs acting dishonourably, an Italianesque political landscape, resignations, more resignations, closing parliament early etc etc. We are in a vice, between a Trotsky extreme left choice and an incompetent extreme right doctrinaire Mogg dictated, golden parachuted, pensioned well heeled group dreaming of some halcyon imperial yesteryear. May to her credit, is trying as she may, to steer this to some least damage outcome, whilst annoying everyone on all sides. What an impossible position she finds herself in and for once, I have some sympathy for her.
Time for another referendum to give clarity, break log jams and allow the people to choose reality over the fantasy of 2016. Whichever way the country decides to choose, then that shall have to be the choice and all accept it. I propose 3 choices, Remain, Hard Brexit and Chequers or whatever this choice morphs into. Then a second vote, a week later (French presidential style) between the top two of the 3. These to be on Sundays to allow maximum participation. If the country votes for a destructive hard Brexit, God help us all. I of course recommend remain where we can influence direction for the world's largest trading block as opposed to going down an isolationist route. Definitely not the economically destructive hard Brexit route.
Brexiteers worry about vassalage to the EU. Well hard Brexit would mean vassalage to Trump's US. In a Trump free trade deal, say goodbye to British farms, the English landscape, and for those who value the NHS, say goodbye to this. He would require us to open this up to their US providers and in effect bring in elements of the US system. Good for few, very bad for many.