“Disgraceful” Levelling Up snub ignores community in TAMWORTH
The Government has failed to inject money and support local communities in TAMWORTH in last week's Levelling Up funding announcement.
It comes despite Rishi Sunak's own constituency of Richmond in Yorkshire receiving £19m of levelling up funding.

If the bid had been successful, it would have provided funding for our town centre regeneration and made the lives of the good people in Tamworth and the adjoining countryside better.
Responding to the news that Tamworth has been left out of the latest round of investment and has received no levelling up funding from the Government, Liberal Democrat SPOKESPERSON for Tamworth Sunny Virk said:
"This Conservative Government has chosen to ignore the pleas of our local community, showing yet again they are taking families here for granted. Had Tamworth been successful, the lives of people in Tamworth would have been significantly improved."
"Instead, we have been left out and forced to fend for ourselves while the Prime Minister lines the pocket of his own area. It's a disgrace."
"The people of Tamworth have been let down, but the Liberal Democrats will ensure that the Government's decision does not mean we are left behind. We will never stop fighting for a fair deal for our community."