Election candidate criticises lack of progress at Lichfield’s ‘Birmingham Road Gateway’.

Cllr Miles Trent, who is standing as a Liberal Democrat candidate for Chadsmead ward in the Lichfield District Council election on 4 May, has issued a statement criticising the lack of progress at Lichfield's 'Birmingham Road Gateway' site. Cllr Trent said:
"The Birmingham Road site opposite Lichfield City station has been a blight on the city since the collapse of the Friarsgate development. For the last five years the area has remained a boarded-up wasteland, offering a terrible first impression to visitors arriving by train to our wonderful city. Many residents have told us that this simply isn't good enough and that they want to see tangible progress. This is a key issue by which the Conservatives must be judged as the May election approaches."
Cllr Trent, who currently represents Chadsmead ward on Lichfield City Council, added:
"The Conservative-run Lichfield District Council continues to drag its feet over the future of the site. We have witnessed an endless round of consultations that never seem to lead to any action. Several million pounds have been wasted - and nothing has been started. There have been no initial enabling works, and nor is there even a funding strategy in place. It appears that the Conservatives' sole achievement so far has been to change the name of the area from 'Friarsgate' to 'the Birmingham Road Site' and then to 'Birmingham Road Gateway'.
The latest update from Lichfield District Council, in February 2023, is that there are now some "initial concept drawings for how the site could be developed" and that there will be further consultations this year.
Cllr Trent argues that this is inadequate, and he has set out the Liberal Democrats' policy position with regard to the Birmingham Road Gateway:
"Lichfield Lib Dems support a mixed-use development at this site, which should include public open spaces, as well as a leisure offering. Any residential building on the site should not be more 'high-end' retirement living but should instead focus on affordable housing for young people, families and key workers, possibly as apartments above retail and commercial premises. The design must also consider the climate emergency and energy crisis, so the Lib Dems would insist on buildings built to high energy efficiency standards, and would encourage consideration of a district heating system, which could provide a sustainable energy source for the site. The Lib Dems also support the redesign of the area outside Lichfield City train station to improve pedestrian safety. A vote for the Liberal Democrats in May will be a vote for change, and a vote for tangible action at the Birmingham Road Gateway."