It’s time for change in Stowe.

Vote Lib Dem on 4 May for hardworking councillors who care and deliver .
The Conservatives running our councils are not delivering. There is still no promised cinema or leisure centre and the Friarsgate site in Stowe opposite Lichfield City train station is a wasteland. Another year passes and it's still boarded up.
Your Lib Dem candidates are hardworking and care. They have solutions to make Stowe better for all and they get things done.
Paul McDermott has lived in Stowe ward for nearly 50 years, during which time he has raised a family and run a business in the paper industry. As such he is well aware of the needs of the ward and of the city generally. Elected onto the City Council in 2019 Paul currently serves as Vice Chair of the LCC Markets Working Group and leads the Lib Dem group on the City Council. In May he is standing to represent Stowe on both the City and District Councils.
Hugh Ashton who is standing to represent Stowe on Lichfield District Council is also a resident of the ward. He returned to Lichfield in 2016 after living and working in Japan for 28 years and quickly became involved with many local activities and organisations. Hugh works as a writer with many published stories and novels. In 2019 he narrowly missed out on a place in the Mastermind final! He has been a councillor on Lichfield City Council, representing Garrick Road ward, since 2019.
Scott Hollingsworth has long standing family and business connections in the area and, after a career in teaching and local government, has now settled back in Lichfield. Scott has been a big supporter of Lichfield Arts over a number of years and is now seeking to represent the residents of Stowe ward on Lichfield City Council.
And the Stowe Lib Dems are delivering for you in Stowe;
- Road repairs on Trent Valley Road - actioned
- Excel Parking - awful management and treatment of residents and visitors. Cllr Paul McDermott stood up for residents who got wrong fines from new car parking operator at The Three Spires Shopping Centre - and got many fines dropped
- Improved lighting around Stowe Pool - now being actioned
- A motion proposed by Cllr Hugh Ashton passed at Lichfield City Council declaring a climate change emergency. Now the council has to take this into account in all future spending decisions and carry out environmental impact assessments.
Vote Lib Dem on 4 May for change and a better council