Lib Dems vote to support progress of the cinema but disappointed it’s taken so long

The Lib Dems voted on Tuesday night at the Lichfield District Council meeting for the cinema to go ahead.
Cllr Paul Ray, the leader of the Lib Dems on LDC said;
“We are delighted to see progress with the cinema project and to have voted for this to go ahead. But it is so disappointing that is has taken the Conservatives so long to get to this position.
The reality is that this progress has at last come about for two reasons.
Firstly the Lib Dem councillors have long said “it’s time for action not words” with the stalled projects in Lichfield and they have been campaigning ongoing for action with the Debenhams building and have come up with various solutions.
Secondly the Conservatives took a drubbing in the local elections last May and now we have a council that is listening to residents and moving the key projects forward.
That is very good and now we want to see real momentum with the cinema and the other projects in Lichfield and in particular the Friarsgate site."
You can read more on Paul and find his contact details here