Lichfield Lib Dems demand answers on "free ports"

Both candidates for the leadership of the Conservative Party have expressed their intention to introduce free ports on a larger scale. The Lichfield Lib Dems have a few questions regarding the candidates' policies (expressed in full below), which have been forwarded in my name to our MP, Michael Fabricant, asking him to obtain answers from the candidates. His attention, as someone who enjoys walking in the countryside, has been drawn to the maps of the proposed free port areas, which include National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
The text of the letter is below:
Dear Mr Fabricant
I am writing as a member of the local Liberal Democrats, but primarily on behalf of all your constituents, in a search for information which I hope you will be able to provide.
Both candidates for the leadership of the Conservative Party appear to be in favour of free ports, which, as you know, were in operation in the UK in the past. It should be noted that from 2020, the European Union has clamped down on the abuse of free ports as conduits for money laundering, terrorism, and tax evasion. The clamour for free ports from parts of the Conservative Party therefore makes for a bad look, especially following the tax issues that have surfaced recently in connection with various Ministers. Indeed, it might even appear to some that a "Brexit benefit" might be the enabling of tax avoidance and money laundering for the supporters of the move to leave the EU.
It should be noted these "free ports" or "special economic zones" (as opposed to "enterprise zones" such as Ceramic Valley in Stoke-on-Trent), which are also sometimes referred to as "charter cities", are placed outside the legislation of the nation within which they exist, not only for taxation and tariff purposes, but for others as well. Often, a private company manages these areas, and effectively acts as the government within the boundaries of the zone.
There is a fear that some of the benefits offered by such arrangements are potentially harmful to those living and working there, as well as to the actual environment of the area. For example, labour regulations and protections may be relaxed or abolished for those working there, and/or environmental regulations may be held to be unnecessary.
I would therefore like you to enquire of the two candidates exactly what parts of UK law will and will not apply to these zones that they are proposing. For example:
What will be the nature of the proposed management and governance of these areas?
How will management of the areas be selected or elected?
Will non-UK entities be allowed to manage them?
What oversight and accountability, both to residents and to central and surrounding local governmental organisations will be put in place as regards the governance of these areas?
What regulations are scheduled for relaxation and abolition within these areas?
Will the surrounding local authorities be required to provide policing for these areas, even if the residents are not paying local taxes?
How will healthcare be arranged for the residents?
Who will be responsible for infrastructure such as roads, energy, social housing, etc.?
Will residents have the right to vote in national elections - some are suggesting that this will not be the case?
These are just some of the questions which need to be asked and answered before these zones become a reality.
There is one more point that should concern you, as a professed lover of the British countryside. The maps of the proposed zones take in large parts of our National Parks or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty: Dartmoor, The New Forest, part of the North York Moors, and parts of the Suffolk coast. The shortened links provided are from the site.
These areas should not be included in these proposed zones without a lengthy, honest, and transparent debate and full knowledge of the legislation that will apply in those zones.
I therefore urge you to seek answers to these questions from Mr Sunak and Ms Truss, and to make these answers public, thereby enabling the electorate to know what is proposed.
I look forward to a speedy response from you.
Yours faithfully
Cllr Hugh Ashton (Garrick Road ward)