Plea for investment to repair Lichfield's potholed roads

Potholes, some of them wide and deep, are numerous in Lichfield, forcing motorists and cyclists to swerve to avoid them and risking damage to vehicles if they are hit.
Councillor Paul Ray, who represents the Chadsmead Ward, said the solution was "proper investment in our roads".
"Roads are in a dreadful state across our whole area and very dangerous in many places," said the Liberal Democrat councillor.
"I am constantly reporting and arranging for potholes to be filled and roads to be repaired in Weston Road, Dimbles Hill, Walsall Road and Dimbles Lane.
"And only a few weeks ago there was the tragic incident of the fatality of Luke Cotton at the junction of Eastern Avenue and Grange Lane.
"I and residents have been pressurising the county council over many years about this dangerous junction.