Stowe ward by-election - Lib Dem candidate Morag Maclean
A by-election for a City councillor to represent Stowe ward will be held on Thursday February 13.
Morag Maclean, a former nurse and NHS manager, is standing as the Liberal Democrat candidate to represent Stowe residents, working alongside Lib Dem City Council Leader Paul McDermott, and Lib Dem District Councillor for Stowe, Hugh Ashton.
The election has been called following the resignation from the council of Lib Dem Councillor Scott Hollingsworth for health reasons.
A Lichfield resident, with children and grandchildren also living in the city, Morag is passionate about the need for the work of carers to be recognised and appreciated. She says, ““My interest in politics is rooted in my lifelong desire to support individuals at times of need and contribute to seeing my local community continue to thrive and be a place we can be proud to call home.”
If elected, Morag will represent all residents of Stowe ward, working together with the other ward councillors, and with the rest of the Liberal Democrat team.
Cllr McDermott says, “We are excited to welcome Morag who brings so much experience to the role, and we hope that Stowe residents will recognise her abilities, and her passion to help others in her community.”
Cllr Ashton adds, “Morag will bring new perspectives to the City Council, and I am looking forward to working with her as a councillor. Postal voting will probably be the easiest way to vote for many people, especially if the weather is bad. If you are intending to vote using a postal vote, and you are not registered for a postal vote, you must register before 29 January online at or through Lichfield District Council at or 01543 308125.”