Why Boris is the wrong answer for our country

Michael Fabricant, MP for Lichfield, wishes to see Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson return as leader of the Conservative Party. We as Liberal Democrats disagree, and argue that Mr Fabricant's endorsement shows a lack of political savvy, and a disregard for standards of integrity and honesty.
Our reasons for opposing his return are based on our concern for the nation as a whole. The support for him by many Conservatives, including Mr Fabricant, seems to be based on their concern for their own party.
Johnson is not a vote-winner
The major reason given by the right-wing pundits on social media for the return of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is that he is the only electoral hope for the Conservative Party. Leaving aside that this argues solely for the benefit of the Conservative Party and not for the country, consider:
Corbyn lost - Johnson did not win
The nation had been groomed, through right-wing media, to regard the then leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, as a demonic Marxist who would bankrupt the country through excessive spending. In that climate, the Conservatives could have been led by a cabbage or a lettuce, and won a majority.
Farage ensured Conservative victories in many places
By asking his parties' candidates to stand down, Putin-friendly Nigel Farage ensured that the right-wing vote would not be split. It is perfectly possible that Johnson's Parliamentary majority would have been smaller had this not been the case.
Under his leadership, by-elections were lost
The nation's true feelings about "Boris" were shown when by-elections were called. Massive "safe" seat majorities were dramatically overturned, and the Liberal Democrats romped home to victory in North Shropshire and other seats.
To see Johnson as a vote-winner is to ignore reality.
More tomorrow ........