The Government has failed to inject money and support local communities in TAMWORTH in last week's Levelling Up funding announcement.
' Lib Dem Councillor Paul Ray has responded to the announcement two days ago that Conservative Lichfield District Council had failed with its Levelling-Up bid to fund the new leisure centre and the comments from Michael Fabricant MP that followed. ' "The Conservatives are fighting between themselves when they should be fighting for our area. I want to reiterate that I wanted the council to succeed in raising the funding to deliver the new leisure centre that the people of Lichfield need and deserve. But the council is failing the people of Lichfield because delivery of this new leisure centre is no way in sight. ' Doug Pullen as Conservative leader of Lichfield District Council talks a good talk. But he has let us all down and it is clear that so much more should have done with this bid. ' Also I am on a group overseeing the Conservatives' delivery of this new leisure centre. But no regular meetings of task group have been happening. These have only been happening after I chase and complain publicly. ' The ou
Recent legislation makes it mandatory to present proof of identity when casting a vote in an election. This will apply to the May local elections for Lichfield and Tamworth District Councils and ESBC as well as parish (including Lichfield City) elections.
Paul Ray, Lichfield District Councillor writes